coaching Services and Courses


Did you know that your relationship blueprint and money blueprint are already being formed during the first 7 years of your life? Already then, you were programmed with values and beliefs about your role in relationships and if money will come easy to you or with struggle or worse not at all. Those hidden beliefs hinders you to create the love life and complete freedom you have always dreamt about.

Wealth Decoded is an extraordinary method that can show you where and when your beliefs were formed, why and what exactly you need to transform them on a subconscious level. This goes beyond your mindset and way beyond your conscious mind. It is the root cause to all your challenges and your door way out to love and happiness.

Regain Your Power Program

8 Clearing sessions (removal of subconscious blockages).
4 Coaching calls.

Limited availability

  • Uncover and remove each block, within a few minutes, in a way that normally takes months or years to uncover.

What will YOU be able to do once your blocks are completely out of your way:

  • You will feel more inner freedom.
  • With a higher self-worth and self-love you will come to a place of peace and feel so great about yourself.
  • You will experience greater intimacy in your relationships.
  • Sales starts to take off like never before in your business.
  • You are starting to see unexpected income coming in.

LimitLess Wealth Program

16 Clearing sessions (removal of subconscious blockages).
8 Coaching sessions.

Limited availablity.

  • Uncover and remove each block, within a few minutes, in a way that normally takes months or years to uncover.
  • Once these patterns are established, you will be able to go out into the world, driven by clarity and the energy to create your dreams…without toxic old thoughts and patterns interfering.

What will YOU be able to do once your blocks are completely out of your way:

  • Have the best clients in the world, rolling in consistently and are able to pick and choose who you work with.
  • See massive amounts of cash coming in to your bank account from everywhere.
  • Provide the financial security for yourself and family so you don’t have to worry one more single day about money.

Transformation session

90 min is all we need to map out for you the hidden subconscious patterns that are:

  • Secretly controlling your life,
  • whispering self-sabotaging thoughts,
  • making you believe in your own disempowering stories and,
  • hindering you from taking action.

If you have been trying all kinds of techniques and programs but nothing seems to be giving you results you seek, this session will set you free. Imagine, how would your life change, if:

  • The stress would be finally gone?
  • How would you go about your life, if those fears would no longer keep you trapped?
  • How would you show up, if that self-doubt would finally be out of your way?

And all the money, the prospects, and the opportunities that will show up…will be in complete alignment with your highest goals and the impact you want to make in this world.


It’s time to create the relationship you have always wanted to have. Leave the confusion of texting once and the frustration of why men disappear. Once you understand the men’s needs and how they work, you will be more important to him than his job, his business, his hobbies, his anything. He will have such a desire for you that he will be running after you.

In this dating coaching program, you will:

  • discover what is it that a man secretly desires in a relationship that will forever change your love life.
  • Understand why men disappear and learn the secret that put you in the highly sought after position.
  • learn how to use this secret to create deeper connection, passion and attraction in the dating phase.
  • receive specific exercises and even exact wordings that speaks a man’s language. It will naturally make him want to be more present for you and give you his undivided attention.

The program includes:

  • 3 coaching calls.



In this 90 min Feng Shui consultation you will:

  • Learn about how to increase your wealth and success significantly.
  • Be revealed about which areas of your life that is blocked and how to energize your home again. If your have missing areas such as money area or relationship are, we can most often find people living in that house have problems related to these issues.
  • Be given the practical tools and advice to compliment and change in your home to vastly improve your life. Feng shui can help singles to meet a partner, stagnated businesses to thrive and boost their sales, improve fertility, receive large sums of money etc.



In this 60 min Clairvoyant Psychic Tarot reading you will:

  • Be able to check questions regarding your career such as if you will get a certain job or if you are in a situation that you need to have more clarity about.  
  • Give light over your relationship whether if it’s the right partner or how he/she feels about you. If you are in a karmic relationship or twinflame relationship. Sometimes the energies or the tarot cards will show you who will be your next partner.
  • If you have lost a loved one, you can receive messages and communicate with your loved one.
  • Sometimes your guardian angel or guide can show up to share critical messages to you at the time being.
  • Financially, you can see your money flows and possible money leakages or money inflows. There can be also advice in how you can improve your financial situation. Whether you should make certain investments or not or trusting people whom you will invest in.

The DIvers

5-day live online program
Learn to surrender to your partner and allow him to treat you like a queen.
January 3-7th, 2022. 12.00 PM CET

High level Mastermind

12 Month powerful coaching experience
1 group coaching call a month
6 clearing sessions
Bonus: “Secret to man’s heart” online course

The Golden Box

5-day Exclusive 1:1 texting
between 9-12 CET.

Private Coaching

Skyrocket your transformation

Nova’s private coaching programs are unlike any other coaching programs out there. Nova’s unique method Wealth Decoded allows to discover and release any self-sabotaging subconscious program within minutes combined with her years of experience with coaching creates results at the speed you have not seen before.

What THe Beautiful & Happy Clients Say About Nova

Meeting Nova has been a profound experience that I can not compare to anything else (and I have done A LOT). I feel really different after this work – like anything is possible now for me to have, do and be. A burden has been lifted, resistance to life is almost entirely gone. Money has started to come in from different sources and business opportunities are showing up. People are commenting that I look better, younger and healthier. I haven’t done anything for that to happen, it’s this program that has done it.

Peter Signell