

Jonas and Linda

After having just 6 sessions with Eliza and Nova, my sales increased by 1100%.


Jonas Forsberg

I highly recommend everyone to consult with Nova Lindberg! She has a fantastic intuitive ability combined with a deep psychological insight and a big heart. She uses it in guiding everything from love relationships, house purchases to spiritual aspects of life. She has helped me tremendously in understanding my potential both privately and professionally. Through her wise and honest contemplations and reflections, I have grown as a human being. Her loving presence heals both body and soul in a very deep and pervasive way. She is incredibly beautiful from the inside out!


Anna-Maj Velander

I was very close to my grandmother, and she was a very important person to me. So when she passed away quickly despite being 96 years old, it felt very painful and sad as I hadn’t had time to see her for three years. She lived on the other side of the globe but we talked almost every week. I had talked to her the week before she passed away and she asked me when I was coming to visit her. I was the first in our family to get the call that she has passed away. I felt that I had a hard time taking it in and that in some strange way I couldn’t feel my sadness.


About two weeks after my grandmother’s passing, I met my good friend Nova. She said she could leave a message for my grandmother if I wanted. I had never done anything like this before but of course I wanted to. Nova got in touch with my Grandmother and wrote down everything she said and that I got to ask her questions and say what I wanted to say. The experience was very strong and special and made me feel harmony and happiness about the contact with my beloved grandmother.


After that experience, I have felt no sadness but only harmony knowing that my grandmother is fine. The grief that I thought would be numbing has instead been transformed into strength and presence. Of course, I miss her all the time but I feel that she is with me so the loss is less painful.

I recommend anyone who has lost someone to meet Nova and be able to experience what I did. Through Nova’s soft and pleasant manner, you will be able to feel trust and security to be able to connect with your loved ones.


Paula Styrlin

When I turned to Nova, I had reached a point where I didn’t come anywhere and was totally stuck. Stress, worry, and anxiety and really low self-esteem kept me stuck and couldn’t move forward in any part of my life. Everything from simple things that need to be done at home to career and love. I couldn’t figure out where all this came from and there was this constant anxiety running in my mind and body. At work, I suffered from huge performance anxiety and at the same time as I was terrified of making mistakes and did not dare to take initiative to show my great skills and the ability to make great results. I had this bad feeling in my stomach due to nervousness and afraid of making mistakes that I double checked everything and made myself smaller. The biggest difference today is the calm I feel, who I have not experienced before. I do not longer turn inside and out in me for the sake of everyone else, think more clearly, like and value myself today that I have not done before. I feel more secure in the fact that money, jobs, and love will settle. Going to work today is happening without anxiety and things are rolling in a significantly better flow and actually making progress.


I wanted to exit a company where my views on running the business did not match the majority owners.

We were about one year into the business and the company had built up significant debt.

The starting point offer to exit the company was with a shared responsibility on the debt.

At an earlier stage, this would have intimidated me to leave my pursuit. But after working with Nova on my “fear of conflict” and “fear of not being able to win an argument”, I felt confident to push through.

Owners did not find this comfortable and offered an exit without responsibility for the debt, basically to leave my investment with a 100% loss.

Instead of backing down I felt encouraged to keep pushing and increased my demands on the business development and made owners uncomfortable with me.

A few weeks later I got an offer of 50% of my investment back, I clearly rejected.

Another week later, a new offer of 75% back.

I rejected again and stated that I was ready to settle on 90%.

A few days later I got a message that owners accepted my offer and my 7-figure investment was returned.​


“I have tried long and hard to overcome heavy obstacles in life. To evolve to the man I feel myself to be on the inside. More and more I have felt and understood that what is blocking me is the subconscious mind and deep patterns, often from very early on in life. So, I tried to dig into those patterns but found it really hard to grasp and work on alone. I think many people experience this, that something is holding them back but not finding a solution to that.


Meeting Nova has been a profound experience that I can not compare to anything else (and I have done A LOT). She is incredibly intuitive, sometimes I think she knows more about me than I do. She reads your soul, your psyche and the depth of the pain and challenges.


I feel really different after this work – like anything is possible now for me to have, do and be. A burden has been lifted, resistance to life is almost entirely gone. Money has started to come in from different sources and business opportunities are showing up. People are commenting that I look better, younger and healthier. I haven’t done anything for that to happen, it’s this program that has done it.


Relationships are also improving and quite drastically, with a friend and a parent that was NOT good before are now magically improving. Before this I used to wake up every day with negative thoughts. They are gone now. It’s just such a huge relief. Free! It is just amazing! And all this happened in ONLY 2 months! I hope to be able to have this amazing woman as companion and learn from her for many years to come. She is a HUGE blessing to the world!”